TBA and Subject To Change.
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TBA and Subject To Change.
Last updated
A rug checker is an essential tool for ensuring the integrity and fairness of our BSC Ecosystem. , It checks for red flags and potential scams within the ecosystem. In this whitepaper section, we will explain our rug checker's key features and functions and how it works to protect the community and promote transparency.
Key Features:
LP Lock Check: This feature allows users to verify whether or not the liquidity of a specified token has been locked or burned, which is a crucial step in preventing dumping and ensuring a fair distribution of tokens.
SPL Token Mint Authority Check: This function verifies whether the SPL token, which is used for minting new tokens, has the authority to do so or not. This is important as it prevents potential scams in which a developer may mint new tokens and sell them off.
Token Distribution Check: This feature checks for any wallets that hold a large percentage of the total supply of the specified token. If a wallet has over 5% of the pool, it is flagged with a red warning, which may make the price volatile. If a wallet holds between 3-4% of the supply, it is flagged with a yellow warning, indicating that it is not ideal.
Wallet Distribution Checker: This function checks for any unusual patterns in the distribution of specified tokens among different wallets. For example, if a developer buys a large percentage of the supply at the start and then sends the tokens to multiple wallets to slowly dump the chart.